
Multi Cluster Service Consumption Framework

The Problem

  • Modern application stacks are increasingly complex
  • Managing connections to all your supporting Services becomes more and more challenging… and that’s before you introduce additional clouds and hybrid environments
  • No platform enables easy consumption of hybrid cloud services
  • Needed to provide Scalability, Security and Portability
  • Previous solutions (OSBAPI, Service Binding, etc.) gained moderate traction
    • Replace one complexity with another
    • Heavyweight, onerous, exacting implementations
  • Customers are left to implement ad-hoc solutions
  • Manual steps to provision and consume cloud service (not scalable)
  • Custom IaC to provide the scale required (boilerplate imperative code)
  • Too much time spent on non-value added activities

The Solution

  • Separated logical environments that can span across different kubernetes clusters
  • An automatically collated Catalog that appropriately exposes available Services to Applications
  • Leverages industry best practices to securely deliver service endpoint data to applications
  • A platform that enables hybrid cloud services consumption in a portable, secured and scalable way

Benefits to Service Providers

  • No action required!
  • Continue to focus on delivering their cloud service with well-defined APIs
  • Continue to work with Service Kubernetes APIs and Controllers

Benefits to Administrators

  • Automatic addition of services to the catalog (via Service Class) - manual catalog management still possible (via Registered Service)
  • Service Classes are easy to create, and can be built by the service provider, administrators, or third-parties
  • Popular Service Classes delivered by Primaza out of the box

Benefits to Developer

  • Service Catalog makes it easy to discover new services and see what is available in the environment
  • Developers can automatically and easily claim services from the catalog
  • Claims can be requested for multiple environments (CI/CD capable)
  • Developers can discover/learn via provided sandbox


Primaza's architecture is composed by the following elements:

  • Primaza's Control Plane: manages environments, services and claims
  • Application agents: binds applications to services
  • Service agents: discover services


Primaza defines the following entities and controllers to provide the above described features.


  • Cluster Environment: represents an development environment on a kubernetes Cluster.
  • Registered Service: represents running instance of a software service.
  • Service Binding: projects secrets referenced by ServiceBinding resources to application compute resources.
  • Service Class: defines how a registered service can be automatically generated from a service
  • Service Claim: represents a claim for Registered Service.
  • Service Catalog: represents group of Registered Services.