
In the following you find a list of all the resources needed for a Primaza Tenant.

Tenant Architecture image

Tenant Namespace

The Tenant namespace is the namespace in which the Primaza Control Plane is installed.

Control Plane

Resources created in the Primaza's Tenant namespace for executing the Primaza Control Plane:

  • Primaza Control Plane's namespace is named after the tenant name: <tenant>
  • Application Agent Role: primaza-claimer
  • Service Agent Role: primaza-reporter

Remote Cluster

Resources created in the Primaza Tenant namespace when a Remote cluster is joined to the Primaza Tenant:

  • ClusterEnvironment: <cluster environment name>
  • Kubeconfig Secret for ClusterEnvironment: primaza-kubeconfig-<cluster environment name>

Application Agent

Resources created in the Primaza Tenant namespace when an Application Namespace is configured:

  • Application Agent's Service Account: primaza-app-<cluster environment name>-<namespace>
  • Access Token Secret for Application Agent's Service Account: primaza-tkn-app-<cluster environment name>-<namespace>
  • RoleBinding between Application Agent Service Account and Application Agent Role: primaza:claimer-<cluster environment name>-<namespace>

Service Agent

Resources created in the Primaza Tenant namespace when a Service Namespace is configured:

  • Service Agent's Service Account: primaza-svc-<cluster environment name>-<namespace>
  • Access Token Secret for Service Agent's Service Account: primaza-tkn-svc-<cluster environment name>-<namespace>
  • RoleBinding between Service Agent Service Account and Service Agent Role: primaza:reporter-<cluster environment name>-<namespace>

Remote Cluster

Resources created in the Remote Cluster when it is joined to the Primaza Tenant:

  • ClusterEnvironment's Service Account in namespace kube-system: pmz-<tenant>-<cluster environment name>
  • Access Token Secret for ClusterEnvironment's Service Account in namespace kube-system: tkn-pmz-<tenant>-<cluster environment name>

Application Namespace

Resources created in the Remote Cluster when an Application Namespace is configured:

  • Service Account: primaza-app-agent
  • Agent's Deployment: primaza-app-agent
  • Kubeconfig Secret: primaza-app-kubeconfig
  • Leader Election Role: pmz:app:leader-election
  • Manager Role: pmz:app:manager
  • Primaza's Role: pmz:controlplane:app
  • Leader Election RoleBinding: pmz:app:leader-election
  • Manager RoleBinding: pmz:app:manager
  • Primaza's RoleBinding: pmz:controlplane:app

Service Namespaces

Resources created in the Remote Cluster when a Service Namespace is configured:

  • Service Account: primaza-svc-agent
  • Agent's Deployment: primaza-svc-agent
  • Kubeconfig Secret: primaza-svc-kubeconfig
  • Leader Election Role: pmz:svc:leader-election
  • Manager Role: pmz:svc:manager
  • Primaza's Role: pmz:controlplane:svc
  • Leader Election RoleBinding: pmz:svc:leader-election
  • Manager RoleBinding: pmz:svc:manager
  • Primaza's RoleBinding: pmz:controlplane:svc