
Primaza is released via GitHub Releases and GitHub Container Registry (ghcr).

To create a new release you need to push a Tag respecting the Semantic Versioning (SemVer) specification.

Once a SemVer tag is pushed, a GitHub Action will run. The Action builds and push the Primaza docker images, bakes the manifests, and creates a draft release.

The pushed images are the following:

The manifests baked are the following:

  • application_namespace_config_<TAG>.yaml: manifests for configuring an Application Namespace
  • service_namespace_config_<TAG>.yaml: manifests for configuring a Service Namespace
  • crds_config_<TAG>.yaml: manifests for installing Primaza's CRDs
  • control_plane_config_<TAG>.yaml: manifests for installing the Control Plane

The manifests are published as part of the GitHub Release artifacts.